0.3a - Quality of Death

Quality of life update!

We've noted some small QoL fixes that came up from feedback and implemented them! Notably, added display information for the bomb ordering, as well as a new scene for you to rewind after you get defeated if you still have Chrono Tokens left!

Remember to join our Discord if you wanna give us feedback or encounter any bugs!  - Axolotl


‣ Buffed Care Package to reducing 2 Doom

‣ Care Package no longer appears in Act 3

‣ Increased mouse click delay (annoying bug where you can't select cards)

‣ Fixed Retained component not working with Perma-Frost

‣ Time Angel self-destructs if you already have 3 Chrono Tokens and it's the last invader alive

‣ Added defeat scene so you can rewind if you still have Chrono Tokens

‣ Added a visual preview for retaining cards

‣ Fixed music not resetting when resuming an encounter

‣ Block the ability to reroll encounters when it is not useful

‣ Breakdown is now an Attack card (instead of Tactic)

‣ Fixed Siphon Fire! to work with Little Friend

‣ Add visual for Bomb order

‣ Temporarily removed the Midas component

‣ Made Broken / Chilled change the base cost of the card so that they work better with Misfire! and future 0 cost synergies.


StarVaders Prototype 0.3a - Windows 151 MB
Mar 03, 2023

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